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Is Driveway Replacement in Kansas City a Good Investment?

driveway replacement kansas city

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Is your driveway going to make it a few more years? Or, is it on its last legs with replacement being imminent? While you can choose to repair or resurface your driveway to extend its life, at some point, a time will come when it is time to bite the bullet and have a new driveway installed.

However, replacing your driveway represents a huge investment. This means you need to make sure it is really time for it. Keep reading to learn when replacing your driveway is a smart investment.

Your Driveway Is in Disrepair After the Post-Winter Thaw

There is no question that winter weather can be brutal on your driveway. When things start to thaw out in spring, you may see a rather sad sight – your driveway that has significantly deteriorated over the past few months.

What you may wonder is – why is winter so hard on your driveway?

The main reason that winter will wear out your driveway is that the cold weather brings in ice and snow. As the moisture melts, it will begin to penetrate the surface and get into cracks, crevices, and holes across the concrete surface. Once the temperatures fall again, this water will freeze.

In the frozen state, water expands. The ice that is trapped in your driveway will create pressure, and this causes cracks. Also, you may apply rock salt to help melt the ice and snow. This can also cause damage to the top layer of your driveway. These are some of the same concrete issues that cause home to need foundation repair as well. All these issues can add up, making it clear that replacement is the best option in spring.

A Worn-Out Driveway Reduces Your Home’s Curb Appeal

It is important to consider things from an outsider’s perspective. For example, what would you think of a house with a crumbled, faded, and cracked driveway? Chances are, you would not have the same impression you would get with a newly paved, problem-free driveway, right? This is what people see when they pass your house and your driveway looks old and worn out.

While you may not like it, people will judge your property based on first impressions. The state of your driveway will have a huge impact on this.

If you are trying to sell your home, this can be even more problematic. Replacing your driveway is often a better alternative to concrete mudjacking because it can help improve your home’s curb appeal, which is beneficial regardless of if you are staying put or planning to stay.

Is it Time to Replace Your Kansas City Driveway?

This is a question you have to consider and decide on for your home and your budget. It is smart to consult with a professional contractor to make sure this is really necessary. They can evaluate the current state of your driveway and make a recommendation on the best course of action.

Even if repairs are possible, you need to consider if a driveway replacement is really worth it. If repairs are going to be needed on a continuous basis, a replacement will make more sense from a financial standpoint.

If you are ready to replace your driveway or have further questions about driveway replacement in Kansas City, contact Johnson Concrete today!